In a successfully implemented pilot project, the company elevated its information management to a new level by integrating the new AI-based module Smart Search into Shiftconnector®. This leverages process knowledge, some dating back years in the past, to help shift teams make efficient decisions. Smart Search also helps to preserve the knowledge of experienced staff and meet strict audit compliance regulations.
"Knowledge transfer is a big issue in shift operations. Shift operation means 24/7 production, 24/7 data. Smart Search, which we integrated into Shiftconnector® as a new tool, helps us actually generate knowledge from this data, which we can then use to meet our environmental, energy and production goals," statet Matthias Heskamp, Head Site Operational Excellence at Bayer CropScience in Muttenz, Switzerland.
About Bayer
Bayer is a life science company that focuses on health care and nutrition. It aims to help people and the planet cope with the challenges of a growing and aging population. It also strives to be sustainable, innovative and profitable. Bayer is a trusted and quality brand worldwide. For more information visit