Security & Certificates

The eschbach company develops software for interactive management, transparent communication and business intelligence. The award-winning Shiftconnector® solution was created by eschbach in 2005 and since then, has been continuously developed in close cooperation with our customers. Today, the product is successfully used worldwide by leading process manufacturing companies.

Certificates & Recognitions

eschbach receives top marks for software security and sustainability

Certified according to ISO 27001

Our information security management system meets the requirements of ISO 27001.

ISO 27001 certificate
ISO 27001 certificate

Certified according to ISO 9001

Our quality management system meets the requirements of ISO 9001.

ISO 27001 certificate
ISO 27001 certificate

EcoVadis Rating

eschbach receives EcoVadis rating for outstanding achievements in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility.

ExoVadis certificate
ExoVadis certificate

CyberVadis Rating

eschbach receives the CyberVadis Platinum rating for outstanding achievements in the field of cybersecurity and data protection. We are proud to be among the top 3,67% who have received this rating.

CyberVadis Certificate
CyberVadis Certificate

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