May 15, 2023
Global market shifts, energy and raw material shortages, and rapidly changing requirements pose major challenges for the process industry. Production has to be aligned with strategic priorities - even when framework conditions change rapidly. The key to success lies in the concept of the Continuous Improvement Process (CIP).
Global market shifts, energy and raw material shortages, and rapidly changing requirements pose major challenges for the process industry. Production has to be aligned with strategic priorities - even when framework conditions change rapidly. The key to success lies in the concept of the Continuous Improvement Process (CIP).
But the managed, continuous improvement process is not a self-runner. It requires regular impulses and adjustments. Goals must be readjusted and, if necessary, new, integrated tools must be introduced as part of lean management. Process optimizers and lean experts are faced with completely new challenges. In order to remain competitive and competitive, plant utilization and efficiency must be continuously optimized. At the same time, process reliability must be ensured and innovation potential must be exploited. Modern, partly AI-powered tools offer new solutions, but these are only successful if people are involved as part of continuous improvement.
Despite high complexity, the process industry needs agility in 24/7 shift operations. Adaptive systems can be an opportunity to unleash the potential of machine-assisted humans. Learn in this whitepaper how a digitally supported Continuous Improvement strategy can ensure future-oriented, long-term successful Plant Process Management (PPM).
Interested? Learn more about the topic in our free eBook, available for download below.