September 12, 2022
Communication is crucial in production. Even in "normal" times, communication is a challenge. 5 signs how you can tell that your operation also has a communication problem is addressed below.
Communication is crucial in production. Even in "normal" times, communication is a challenge and in a crisis it turns out to be even more difficult. "Face-to-face communication is always best. We rely more on informal, chance encounters than we may realize," says Andy Brazier, a risk consultant who specializes in human factors in process industries and process safety.
This eBook addresses the 5 signs of a communication problem in your operation:
- Day and night shifts are not fully aligned.
- Prescribed routine tasks are often not completed.
- Monthly production goals are consistently missed.
- Too many shifts are involved in troubleshooting process problems.
- There is constant mistrust between departments and teams.
Often, the problem is that there is no reliable communication platform that allows for understanding of unplanned incidents, their resolution, and appropriate prioritization. A standardized communication process is the key to managing incidents, process disruptions or crisis management.
Interested? Learn more about the topic in our free eBook, available for download below.